Is rent expensive in jacksonville florida?

Average rental price in Jacksonville, FL for all room counts and property types compared to Atlantic Beach, FL. To calculate apartment rental trends in each city or neighborhood, ApartmentAdvisor evaluates thousands of apartment listings available in a given market and updates this information daily. Rental prices for all types of rooms and properties in Jacksonville, Florida, have fallen 1% in the past month and have fallen 9% in the past year. The average size of an apartment in Jacksonville, FL is 1178 square feet, while the average size of an apartment in Jacksonville, FL is 1110 square feet.

The average rent for all rentals in Jacksonville, FL is 34% lower than the average rent in Atlantic Beach, FL.

Constance Aures
Constance Aures

General internet specialist. Proud web fanatic. Freelance internet specialist. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Award-winning social media buff.

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